" If we have no love for nature, it seems unlikely that we'll protect it. And without experiencing nature regularly and close up, it's hard to see how that love can be cultivated." Guy Shrubsole - The Lost Rainforests of Britain

About us

Jo Brown – I am an illustrator, naturalist and author of “Secrets of a Devon Wood” a nature journal documenting my local wildlife; a national best seller which is now on its third print run and is available through nhbs.com. As a naturalist I am happiest exploring the wildlife on my doorstep and recording in detail not only the appearance but the habits, physiology and life history of what I find. I aim through my published work and social media presence to promote a greater social awareness of the importance of conservation.

Darrel Jones – I am an avid nature photographer, passionate about documenting and capturing the essence of the places I love both locally and further afield. I am an experienced educator with over 35 years experience of teaching Biology in schools, both in classrooms and outdoors running workshops, fieldtrips and residential camps locally in Devon and Cornwall. I am also a creative, using a variety of printing, painting and photographic techniques to record the beauty of the natural world. I hope through my art and educating to promote greater awareness and love of the natural world and its flora and fauna.

Together we are DevonWild we are both based in Teignmouth and spend our time exploring natural sites in our beloved Devon and are passionate about sharing our love of the natural world with others through walks and workshops.